Toll Free Texting
Posted By : Michelle Sgroi, Sept 27, 2017
SMS toll free texting allows you to send text messages using an existing toll–free number. People can send an SMS text from their cell phone to your toll free number.
For example: I need my carpet replaced, can someone contact me?
Every inbound message will be captured in our Inbox feature so you can reply (unlike shared short code where we capture only the replies from a blast)
How Specific Businesses Can Use SMS Marketing To Its Fullest Potential
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Feb 02, 2017

SMS marketing is an amazing marketing tool that can truly be utilized by anyone in any given industry. Just about any kind of business can implement SMS into their marketing strategies in order to yield unbeatable results. Retail stores, bars, salons, restaurants, and even churches can all use SMS marketing in their own unique ways in order to generate the kind of buzz they are looking for in the long run. Here are a few ways that specific business can use SMS marketing to its fullest potential. Retail The biggest thing that retail stores utilize SMS marketing for is to
5 Reasons Why An SMS Customer Loyalty Program Will Grow Any Business
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Jan 25, 2017

One of the most important concepts in the world of business is customer acquisition and loyalty. Without customers, there aren’t any sales which means that there’s no profit. Without profit, any and all businesses will go down in flames without question. Any business owner can practice different methods in order to gain new customers. Things like email marketing, printed advertisements, and social media ads are all available to any business; the possibilities are really endless. The thing is, retaining customers is just as important as customer acquisition, if not even more so. Every business needs new customers, but if those
Why You Should Become An SMS Reseller
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Jan 17, 2017

The world of SMS marketing initially tends to be overwhelming to any newcomers. There are so many options and ways to go about becoming a marketer, that people seem to become nervous when they are shown all of the numerous choices they have available to them. The biggest question we get here at Lime Cellular from anyone who is new to the scene of white label SMS marketing is simply, “What is a reseller program and how does it benefit me?” The answer to that question, however, is not as simple as one may think. It’s not complicated because becoming
How Animated GIFs Bring MMS Into The Future
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Jan 11, 2017

We are all aware that times are changing and evolving rapidly before our very eyes. Things that we all thought were the way of the future ten years ago are now obsolete and the technological evolution has only just begun. Within the past 5 years, we have seen communicative advancements such as the forever adapting social media machine. Myspace died and made room for Facebook. Facebook stepped aside and the popularity of Instagram and Twitter soared. And now even though Facebook and Twitter still remain relevant, things like Instagram and Snapchat have become all the more prevalent. Overall, the way
SMS Marketing Trends For 2017
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Jan 03, 2017

With the new year that arrived, many marketers are wondering what marketing trends are going to be taking over in 2017. The best part about reaching a new year for any marketer is the fact that we can take a step back from the every day hustle and bustle in order to review what worked and didn’t work in the year that has passed. 2016 was an incredible year in the realm of SMS marketing, especially in terms of the technological advances we had reached throughout. That being said, we can only imagine what is yet to come. Here are
Why SMS Will Always Win Over Social Media
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Dec 27, 2016

Marketing options are basically becoming endless in the technological world we live in today, especially with social media. One can easily start an advertising campaign on Google or even Facebook in order to generate new leads for any kind of business. These marketing capabilities are definitely beneficial to all businesses attempting to make their presence known on a wider scale, but there is an even better way to market a business out there that sometimes goes by unnoticed. SMS marketing prevails over things like social media marketing because it is more specified to each individual within your potential audience. Overall,
How To Time Your SMS Marketing For Optimal Conversions
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Dec 14, 2016

One of the things we here at Lime Cellular have discussed in the past is the importance of timing in terms of your SMS marketing campaigns. Everything could be as perfect as can be like, for example, the content of a message and even the call to action. Even with those elements reaching a level of perfection, if your timing is off then that could lead to an unsuccessful ad campaign altogether. Timing is everything when it comes to SMS. Here are a few tips on how to time your SMS marketing for optimal conversions. Everybody Hates Mondays In
8 MMS Samples To Spice Up Your Holiday
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Dec 14, 2016

With the holidays being just around the corner, many people in the marketing world tend to get excited while simultaneously feeling overwhelmed by the endless amount of opportunities that come along with it. There are so many possibilities when it comes to marketing campaigns during the holiday season that it seems silly not to take advantage. With the unlimited opportunities that come pouring in during the holidays for marketers throughout the world, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact direction you want to go in when it comes to your campaigns. You can send out a great holiday themed
How To Use SMS For Return Sales
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Dec 14, 2016

Over the years, there have been many media outlets that have promised to better your return sales for your business to no prevail. Emails go unread, Facebook and Twitter posts get ignored, and online advertisements are disregarded almost completely. SMS stands as a distinctive instrument in the marketing universe because, unlike your typical email or social media post, it actually reaches the individual customer every time it’s sent out. In terms of marketing, SMS is definitely the right choice to make. Here are some tips on how to use SMS to boost sales for your business. Don’t forget about
Five SMS Marketing Tips For Thanksgiving
Posted By : Shelly Greenstein – Dec 14, 2016

We all know that November is a time in America where we take a look around us and realize what we should be thankful for in our busy and hectic lives. We sit down with our family members and loved ones for an amazing feast and realize that we should appreciate the things we take for granted on a daily basis. What we don’t, however, realize, is the marketing opportunities that come along with a holiday such as this. Thanksgiving is not just a time to be thankful, but it is also a time to begin shopping for the holiday